Saturday, January 31, 2015

Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #1 (Substrate)

#1 Awareness is primary and fundamental. (Substrate)

Some have been asking for more information about my work. Towards that end, I’m going to start publishing my growing list of universal constants and variances. It is these constants and variances that form the foundation of my work.

There are about as many of them as there are stars in our universe, both primary and derived, so I don’t think I’ll run out of them! Most of them are self-explanatory, but if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. The numerical ordering is not yet important, as I’m still collecting and collating them as I discover or become aware of them

I have no tolerance for trolling or people who abuse others in my threads; especially on these threads about the constants and variances! So if you plan to wreak havoc here, you’ll get bumped real fast. I don’t mind criticism or sceptical opinions at all, but please be civil with everyone (including me).

See for more information.

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